Alhamdulillaah we are coming to the end of another successful year here at The Tuition Club. We would like to inform you of some important dates;
Parent’s afternoon: Thursday 16th July 2020 from 10am-2:15pm
Children’s Ceremony: Thursday 16th July 2020 from 2:30pm Online Via skype
Last day of the Summer Term: Thursday 16th July 2020
Reopening Day: Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Parent’s Afternoon
There will be no lesson and the parent meetings will take place throughout the day, giving parents the opportunity to speak to their child’s tutors; about progress work that can be completed during the summer break.
Children’s Ceremony
In order to reward the achievements of our students, we will be having an online end of term ceremony. This is for all year groups including young learners. The ceremony will be via Skype (your child will be added in automatically) In shaa Allaah. Students who achieve a 100% mark for their effort and behavior in all subjects, will be given certificates and a small gift.
We would like to extend our appreciation and we value everyones commitment, effort and support throughout the year!
May Allah grant us all the ability to further improve and facilitate our affairs in the best of manners.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer break and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Extra! Extra! Teacher Boosts students’ non-fiction writing skills with using newspaper report guidelines, formats and tips!. Our Keen writers this week have been writing up a persuasive holiday article. The session provided a motivating and memorable image to stimulate discussion, before introducing the grammar element. Students have had time to practise using this feature, before undertaking a short writing task to apply what they have learnt in the context of creative writing!
Our Young learners aged 5-6 have been learning all about The Great Fire of London this week!. They listened to an audio and imagined what it would have been like. The children then found out about some facts about his historical event. Did you know that The Great Fire of London happened between 2-5 September in 1666. The fire began in a bakery on Pudding Lane. Before the fire began, there had been a drought in London that lasted for 10 months, so the city was very dry!. Lots of people had houses made from wood and straw which burned easily. Houses were also built very close together. We know what happened during the fire because people back then wrote about it in letters and newspapers – for instance, Samuel Pepys wrote about it in his diary.
Artists who were alive in 1666 painted pictures of the fire afterwards, so we know what it would have looked like if we’d been there too. The class were then inspired and went on to create their own artwork of the Great Fire of London!.
Alternative energy sources are a big deal these days. One such source is the wind. Our Homeschooled children having been finding out how wind turbine can use the power of the wind to generate energy for their science project. The students aged 10-11, designed various turbines using diffrent blades to find out which produces the most energy, and put the wind to work!
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