Frequently asked Questions
We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions for Online. Although you can find this information on our website we thought it handy to have this in one place.
What are the days of study?
The days of study will be Tuesday, Thursday and Friday.
Tuesday & Friday are full day’s – whereas Thursday is half a day.
How many hours of study per week?
There are 10 hours per week of study divided across Tuesday’s & Friday’s (full day) and Thursday (half a day). Class groups will be assigned a timetable, which will consist of breaks throughout the day. The timings will be from 10.00am until 4.45pm (BST/GMT Time).
How many hours of study for English and Maths?
The hours of study for English and Maths is 2 hours (1 lesson per day). Arabic classes are also 2 hours a week, whereas the rest are taught once a week.
Will they have any assignment to do, if yes how many assignments over the academic year and will they be graded?
Students will be set half termly assessments, in order to track their progress of the topics covered during that period. Homework will also be set weekly for students to complete. Assessments will be graded, and homework will also be marked. Results will be viewable via the Google Classroom portal.
Do the subjects match the national curriculum?
We aim to give children the best tutoring possible, which include elements of the national curriculum; as well as other skill building work and syllabus which are effective for children. As we have an active community of home schoolers, we aim to facilitate their education using the most effective tools and resources found.
The flexibility afforded in home schooling means that some of our subjects may meet the national curriculum needs of other countries and therefore exceed the requirements of the UK curriculum.
Are the parents required to do extra study with their children to reach the academic year target?
This varies and depends on the students need. Parents are mentors and it is encouraged to help with homework and any topics that the child struggles with.
Are the lessons recorded so the child can go and access the lessons whenever they wish to review a lesson for example?
The lessons will not be recorded; however the tutor will upload whiteboard images and resources from lessons to Google Classroom, which will allow the student to review the lesson materials and content.
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