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Arabic- Sun and Moon Letters (حورف شمسية و قمرية)

During Arabic this week some of the students have been learning about the Sun and Moon Letters.

The consonants are divided into two groups, called the sun letters or solar letters (Arabic: حروف شمسية‎ ḥurūf shamsiyyah) and moon letters or lunar letters (حروف قمرية ḥurūf qamariyyah), based on whether they assimilate the letter lām (ﻝ l) of a preceding Arabic definite article al- (الـ), which is an important general rule used in Arabic grammar.

The 14 Sun-letters are: (ﻥ ,ﻝ ,ﻅ ,ﻁ ,ﺽ ,ﺹ ,ﺵ ,ﺱ ,ﺯ ,ﺭ ,ﺫ ,ﺩ ,ﺙ ,ﺕ)

The 14 Moon-letters are: ( ه ,ﻱ ,ﻭ ,ﻡ ,ﻙ ,ﻕ ,ﻑ ,ﻍ ,ﻉ ,ﺥ ,ﺡ ,ﺝ ,ﺏ ,أ).

The children got to memorize a rhyme to help learn the letters.


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