Ramadhaan Closure & Student Progress!
The Tuition Club is now closed for two weeks, due to Ramadhaan and Eid. We will resume the summer term on Monday 11th July in shaa Allaah.
Over the past few weeks a lot of excellent work has been produced by our students and exciting activities have taken place.In Science students released their butterflies, after watching them develop from caterpillars over a period of a few weeks. Students have also taken part in a classic volcano demonstration and made snap circuits.
In Arabic students have been producing fantastic work based on verbs and past and present tense, and have made their own Arabic dictionaries.
Whilst in Maths, students have been making progress with their business maths projects, in which they are planning their own small businesses. The aim of these projects is to highlight to children how important maths is in the world of work, whilst also helping them to develop their entrepreneurial and maths skills further.
We would like to congratulate all of our students on their hard work and efforts, and we look forward to resuming after Eid in shaa Allaah.