Inspirational Growth Mindset Activity Afternoon!
An inspiring afternoon for our home schooled students!
Alhamdulillaah on Thursday we came to the end of our first half term of the new academic year and we ended it in style with a fun growth mindset activity afternoon.
At the Tuition Club it is vitally important that we encourage both children and tutors to develop a Growth Mindset. The idea by Professor Carol Dweck highlights how the most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work – brains and talent are just the starting point.
We want our students to have a mindset, in which they have the belief that intelligence can grow and that they can improve even if they find a subject difficult at first.
Our tutors also embrace a growth mindset, by collaborating with colleagues rather than focusing solely on their own students’ results. They are motivated by the efforts and achievements made by our students.
The activity afternoon began with our home schooled students and tutors watching a presentation, which included two inspirational videos portraying the idea of the growth mindset. The short clips encouraged the children not to give up even if they feel that they are struggling in a certain subject. We also emphasised the importance of not being afraid or embarrassed to ask for help.
The presentation concluded with a reading of the story ‘the Dot’ by Peter H. Reynolds. As described on the authors website:
the book is for anyone who has been afraid to express themselves – from a child in art class to an adult whose fear has shut down a long-held dream. The book is there to remind us all to “Make your mark, and see where it takes you.” (Reynolds, 2011)
Our home schooled students engaged well during the presentation and really took the moral of the stories to heart, using examples of their struggles and relating them back to what they had watched and listened to.
Our tutors also discussed their own struggles as children, and encouraged students never to give up on their dreams and to work hard in order to achieve them.
The presentation was then followed by a fun activity, in which students with the help of their tutors produced wonderful growth mindset posters.
A fantastic and beneficial afternoon was had by all and we would like to say a big well done to all students for the beautiful posters they produced.
We hope our home schooled students enjoy the half term break, and look forward to them returning on Monday 30th October at 10am in shaa Allaah.