End of Autumn Term Ceremony!
All our Home Schooling parents are invited to join us for an afternoon of celebration!
In shaa Allaah the last day of the Autumn term will be this Thursday 14th December 2017. Alhamdulillaah we are coming to the end of another successful full term here at The Tuition Club, in which a lot of progression has been made.
In order to reward our students for their achievements, we will be having an end of term ceremony this Thursday 14th December in shaa Allaah. The ceremony will commence at 2.30pm and conclude at 3pm.
Students who achieve a 100% mark for their effort and behaviour in all subjects, will be given certificates. Also, during the ceremony our students will be presenting some of their fantastic work from the subjects of Arabic, English and Maths.
Parents are encouraged to attend and celebrate their child’s success with us. A few light refreshments will be provided. We look forward to seeing all parents at this exciting end of term ceremony in shaa Allaah.