Ceremony Success-Tuition Club is Now Closed for the Summer Holidays!
Alhamdulillaah yesterday afternoon we came to the end of another year at the Tuition Club and to celebrate the achievements of our home-schooled students, we held an end of year ceremony and a parents afternoon.
During the ceremony our students were rewarded for achieving a 100% mark in all subjects on the Tuition Club behaviour and effort charts and were presented with certificates and gifts.
Some of our Arabic students also gave a presentation and this included some lovely speeches from some of our home-schooled children.
After the ceremony we held a parent’s afternoon, which gave parents the opportunity to speak to the tutors regarding their child’s progress.
The children had fun in the afternoon taking part in activities some of which they took part in throughout the last week.
Activities such as Arts & Crafts, Bean Bag Race, Tug of War and a visit to the local Park.
Our students ended the day with an ice cream and Alhamdulillaah it was a lovely end to the academic year.
We would like to thank all parents for their continued support, and tutors and students for all their hard work and effort.
We hope you all have a lovely Summer break, and we look forward to our students returning on Monday 2nd September 2019 InshaAllaah.