Tuition Club End of Term and Ceremony!
Alhamdulillaah we are coming to the end of another successful year here at The Tuition Club. We would like to inform you of some important dates;
- Parent’s afternoon: Thursday 16th July 2020 from 10am-2:15pm
- Children’s Ceremony: Thursday 16th July 2020 from 2:30pm Online Via skype
- Last day of the Summer Term: Thursday 16th July 2020
- Reopening Day: Wednesday 2nd September 2020
Parent’s Afternoon
There will be no lesson and the parent meetings will take place throughout the day, giving parents the opportunity to speak to their child’s tutors; about progress work that can be completed during the summer break.
Children’s Ceremony
In order to reward the achievements of our students, we will be having an online end of term ceremony. This is for all year groups including young learners. The ceremony will be via Skype (your child will be added in automatically) In shaa Allaah. Students who achieve a 100% mark for their effort and behavior in all subjects, will be given certificates and a small gift.
We would like to extend our appreciation and we value everyones commitment, effort and support throughout the year!
May Allah grant us all the ability to further improve and facilitate our affairs in the best of manners.
Hope you all have a wonderful and safe summer break and we look forward to seeing you soon!