Tuition Club Online Closed for end of Ramadhan and Eid!
The children have settled back for the new term here at Tuition Club Online and have been super busy getting stuck into many hands-on creative projects.
From time, we like to share the children’s work so that they feel appreciated and experience a sense of achievement for all their hard work and efforts during the term.
During History some of the children were set assignments and projects related to Ancient Rome.
One of the projects included a Roman Food Dish whereby the children were given instructions on how to research ancient Roman food dishes and then were asked to recreate the dish for their Roman banquet. The children then wrote a summary of their chosen food dish and were then asked to create a ‘modernized’ version of the food dish to share with fellow students. The last part of the project involved writing a summary comparing and contrasting the food dish with the ancient Roman dish that they researched. Have a look at the images of their wonderful work that we have presented below.
For Maths homework some of the students created posters on bar charts including information about what needs to be included in a bar chart and some examples. Using the session PowerPoint slides, the children could draw out key information and use as a guideline to complete their posters.
As we are in the month of Ramadhan the children also had fun creating some Arts and crafts. Some students created some paper lanterns and decorated the lanterns at home for the family to all join in and display. Last week the children also took part in a Ramadhan activity focusing on discussing the importance and virtues of Ramadhan which was a nice way to benefit from the remaining days of Ramadhan.
The Tuition Club Online is now closed for the remaining days of Ramadhan & Eid and will resume week commencing Monday 17th May 2021 In shaa Allaah.
We hope you all have a lovely break and benefit from the remaining days of Ramadhan and wish you all a wonderful blessed Eid.
JazaakummAllahu Khairan
Tuition Club Online