Wood Workshop – 08/05/2018
Today our home-schooled students participated and made their own sweet dispensers.
Process: Pieces of wood had to be cut down to size and shape, they were then sanded down by the students, who then had to utilise the drill press, slot the parts together and use a glue gun.
All safety protocols were explained to the students beforehand, protective eye wear and ear muffs were likewise provided.
It is easy to list the benefits from woodworking for children. Here are a few:
- Emotional/Social: Sense of competence, confidence, responsibility, respect for self and others, respect for materials and safety.
- Physical: Eye-hand coordination, strength, and fine-motor control.
- Cognitive/Intellectual: Mathematical thinking (size, shape, volume, measurement, directionality, geometry), engineering skills, creativity, and inventiveness.
- Aesthetics: The smell and feel of wood the dusty friction of sanding something smooth, the contrast of warm wood and cold metal.