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Online Tutor Vacancies!

The Tuition Club Online is looking for excellent tutors to become part of our Online team. A fantastic opportunity to join us and shape the future!

Current Vacancies:

Maths Tutor

Science Tutor

English Tutor

Computing Tutor

We are looking for candidates who have an excellent teaching manner, classroom management and the willingness to conduct Online Tutoring. We welcome applicants from all subject specialisms as well as those looking to gain teaching experience.

Applicants must be able to tutor online one to one or in a group setting, have a passion for instilling a love of learning and eagerness. Flexible availability from Monday – Friday is required.

One of the most important characteristics of our Tuition Club is the safe and happy environment in which children, from many different cultures enjoy their learning together. We look for people who share our passion for providing high quality tutoring and supporting home schooling parents and students through their journey. 

To apply, please submit your application form here at –

Line Graph Challenge!

A line graph is a graph used to show changes over time, for example, changes in temperature through a day.

It is created by plotting points and joining them with straight lines.

As more than one line can be presented on the same graph (double or multiple line graph), line graphs are useful for comparing changes, which occur over the same period of time, for more than one group.

Students were guided through the process of drawing a line graph.

Students have been developing their understanding of using line graphs as a way of presenting data.

Children were asked to label the axes of line graphs and to interpret the data to answer questions.

They then moved on to more challenging activities using fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions.


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Telling the Time to the Minute and Hour

Our age 6-7 online students have been learning how to tell the time to the nearest minute and hour on an analogue clock.

Knowing how to tell the time accurately is a very important skill.

The children have been using the language including ‘past’ and ‘to’ when telling the time and have been using Roman numerals on clock faces when answering questions which has helped practise fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving questions.

On a standard analogue clock face, there are 12 hourly increments. These are sometimes represented by Roman numerals.

Roman numerals up to VII represent the hours in a day.

Once children have mastered how to tell the time to the nearest minute, they can progress to telling the time past the hour.

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Properties of shapes

Our online students have been learning all about the different properties of shapes.

The students got to learn that a corner on a 2D shape is called a ‘vertex’ and the plural is ‘vertices’.

In the first task, they counted the vertices on various familiar 2D shapes.

In the second task, children got to spot the odd one out in groups of shapes by looking at the different numbers of vertices the shapes have.

Questions were given to the students to encourage reasoning and discussion.

These helped strengthen children’s abilities with describing the properties of shapes.

Mathematical Challenges Online!

Our private students have been working through some mathematical challenge questions.

Using the online tools, they have worked through some math problems, questions, and individual assignments on various topics.

Students have been working on Ratio, Proportion, and 3D Shapes.

For each topic, a target was set which was then graded. The students completed exercises on simplifying ratios and worked on solving more complex proportion problems.


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Online Students Colour by Number Addition up to 20!

Our online students have been practicing their basic addition of numbers up to 20 while developing essential fine motor and coordination skills at the same time.

Each section of the picture contains a simple addition sum that adds up to a number equalling 20 or less, with the answer relating to a specific colour dictated by a key at the bottom of the sheet.

This activity has helped the children engage with the learning in a creative way and begin to recognise the answers to common addition sums up to 20.

In addition, colouring by numbers is a fun way to assess colour and number recognition skills alongside a great way to reinforce key concepts.

Multiplication Math Drills

Using Multiplication drill activities our home-schooled children have been able to better comprehend multiplication.

Children have been using Grid problem multiplication worksheets as an introduction to multiplication and discovering patterns in multiplication problems.

As an addition the multiplication number square allows children to learn multiplication, square numbers and recurring patterns.

The number square is colour-coded and a great aid to help learn visually.

The children will be focusing on these key skills to help develop their Math skills.

Measuring Volume by Counting Unit Cubes!

Some of our home-schooled children have been learning about Volume during their Maths lessons.

Volume is the amount of space in a 3D Shape. It is measured in cubic units.

The children were able to find the volume of the shape by counting how many unit cubes fit inside it.

The students also got to write down the length, width, and depth and then work out the volume and surface area.

Resources such as multi-link cubes aided in making the shapes to work out the volume and surface area.

Using Nets to Create 3D Shapes!

Our home-schooled students have been using nets to create 3D Shapes.

3D shapes such as cubes, cuboids and pyramids were made.

The children were taught how to recognise, describe and build simple 3D shapes, including making nets.

They were shown a cube and cuboid and then given some squared paper on which to make a net which helped them make an identical shape.

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